As the title suggests, the project was simply drawing rocks. This was done using 2B, 4B and 6B pencil and a piece of paper. My aim by the end of Drawing Rocks was to become more confident with life drawing and employ some of the techniques I learnt in A Study of Light. In a way, this was a continuation of A Study of Light, but with a more complex and highly textured object.
I started by picking up a rock that I would want to draw. I wanted it to be textured, relatively small with an irregular shape. After that has been done, I began drawing the rock from life.
After finishing it, I was not convinced. It was not as textured and detailed as it was in real life. Bear in mind, this was done in class where there was more than one light source. As a result, there was simply not enough shadows and contrast to make it interesting. There was also no background to make the drawing stand out. Because of all these problems, I decided to push it further and create a better piece. This time, I had two rocks set up in a dark room with only on light source.