The purpose of this project was to create a series of collages that are inspired by the culture around us. More than anything, Khaleeji Kollage was about developing a personal visual language or method that was very recognizable, distinct present in each piece. This was a challenge for me. I somehow understood what that meant, and I really wanted it, but was not sure how to achieve it. The added challenge was the collage itself, it had to be unexpected. It had to make the viewer want to look at it longer. 
Trying to familiarize myself with collage. At this point, I was not focused on having a method. I just wanted to create an interesting piece. That meant creating as much a possible and seeing where that takes me.
After many experiments, I slowly started to have a method.  
I added Khaleeji imagery to my magazine collages to see how that might look. 
I was torn between circular and vertical strips. I chose vertical strips because they had more dynamism. They had this effect of falling. The circular strips were somewhat stationary. There is a certain space they occupied in the 2d plane and everything was inside that space.  
A poster I made to present my work. The best way I found to fit all my collages in a specific space was to measure the dimensions of that space and create a photoshop file with the same dimensions. This is followed by arranging all 50 or so collages inside that file and converting it later on to a JPEG or PDF for printing.
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