Night Scene is the project that really influenced me long after I have completed it. I have only recently been incorporating colors in my work and Night Scene was perfect to develop my skills in that area. I think that the reason why Night Scene was so influential was because it showed me an area I did not know I enjoyed - night photography.

Before looking at night photography, it was essential to understand how to use the materials. In this quick sketch, I learnt how to use Verithins with Prismacolors by adding the white Verithins first and then adding the colors I wanted on top. The amount of white added was dependent on the tone of the color that would be added on top.

Some of the photos I took. I found that the most unexpected of places are the most vibrant.

Some of the photos I took later on. At the very least, I want to do this project again. I want to create a series of images similar to first one.