This project was meant to help me become more confident with Illustrator, specifically the pen tool. I first drew a scribble, scanned it, edited it a bit on Photoshop and then exported that to Illustrator. I practiced using the pen tool by tracing around the lines of the scribble. The second part of this project was to take a chaotic perspective drawing filled with lines and with the help of Illustrator, highlight shapes or forms to create a more appealing piece. 
The scribble. The pen tool was quite confusing the first time I tried it. With a little patience, I slowly understood how to use it quickly and use it well.
Creating a pleasing abstract piece was difficult. The idea was to make sense of the mess that is the initial drawing. I had to look very closely at the drawing and pick out the shapes I wanted to highlight. Above is the process from beginning to end. My first attempt was simply covering up the drawing underneath, which did not change anything. It was still very chaotic. In the second attempt, I started to look at the image as a whole and highlight larger shapes. I was not convinced, so I made another third piece. This was much better than the previous two pieces because it takes advantage of the multiple perspective points without covering everything. The result is a simple and balanced abstract piece at first glance. However, as the viewer looks closer, it is a dizzying space with multiple directions. In a way, it is quite reminiscent of MC Escher and still stays true to the chaotic drawing underneath. 
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